Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Letter to my Beloved Princess

My Beloved Princess,

You are beautiful, unique and special.
You were created to love and be loved!
You are kind, talented, strong, brave, capable and destined for greater things.
You are not an accident for you were called and chosen for a reason.

Open yourself to the surprises that I will show to you.
Be still and patient because it will be revealed when you are ready.
Believe in my promises because I planted them in your heart.
Hold on to me whenever you feel lonely and giving up.

Enjoy the moment, grow in love and serve me wholeheartedly.
Remember that you are worth the wait and just keep the faith.
Someday in my perfect time, you will be in each others arm.
Just allow my will to be done as you trust my plan.

I am preparing your prince because you are worthy to be pursued.
I desire the best in life for you are my beloved daughter.
And I am your Father, the King and Ruler of all.
Be confident that I am writing you a great love story.

Be assured that I love you my beloved Princess.
May my love, abundance, mercy, forgiveness and grace be sufficient.
You both will have your moment, not now but soon.
All is well and all will be revealed in my perfect time.

 Lovingly yours,
Almighty Father and King

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!