Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Journey of Faith

Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.
Reflected from the verse taken from John 10:31-42

The first thing that came to my mind after hearing the gospel was little faith but more of doubt. We live in a world that questions our being, our race, our religion, our morals and our good deeds. We also experience being questioned when it comes to faith and how we practice our beliefs. Some people don’t understand even if we explain it to them. We are blessed to experience freedom and to be saved from the punishment of our sins. We are not here on earth for nothing because we have a purpose to fulfill and that we are destined for greatness.

Why is it difficult to believe even after seeing the works of God?

Why really is it hard? God already worked through us and still we continue to doubt His presence? Why? Hmmmmmm.. I guess we are looking for big things to happen like a major major miracle to take place in our life similar to the Jesus feeds the 5 thousand, healing leprosy, allowing the blind to see, letting the deaf to hear, the crippled to be able to walk or when He raised the dead. When we witness those kind of events in the world we live in today, I guess it just shows how little our faith is. Our faith is easily tested in what we see. We believe in the "to see is to believe principle and that hinder us from believing in God through His simple works. Through that doubt will always overpower the little faith that we have.

Another reason would be when we are controlled by our fears that held us captive to believe the reality which is the real truth that's already in front of us. We refuse to believe because we are following the standards of this world rather than of God's based on the teachings in the Bible. We choose to please others but in reality, we can never please anybody anyway and it's only God whom we can only please.

Doubt over weighs the little faith that we have. Although we have seen still we allow questions to disrupt our thinking. We are blinded and distracted by our thoughts, by social media, by false judgment and by the things we hear around us. We have heard the words of God yet we try harder to close our hearts from listening to Him. We harden our hearts and we still choose to do what we think is right (but to others it's already unjustly). We are highly influenced with the latest trends, the gadgets, the popular things and even the immoral doings. The world is changing and satan is taking advantage of our weaknesses and he keeps on tempting us for our visions and goals to be cloudy and it gives us more worries. He's giving us reasons to doubt even if we are already praying.

The only way to defeat doubt is through our strong faith and the belief that He will answer our prayers no matter how impossible they may be. We will be tested but we should place our complete trust and total surrender to God that He will take care of everything for us. We should be deeply rooted in Him knowing that apart from Him we are nothing. We should maintain a constant prayer life and relationship with Him because that's where we'll grow as a person and where we'll learn more from. We can be ready for anything because we know God is in us and believe that He has plans for us, a future full of hope. Let's live our life purposefully and meaningfully. Let's make God happy through the works of our hands by bringing back the glory that God alone deserves! Let’s conquer this victory with our faith by being faithful to the one who is faithful and who never failed us. This journey of faith is not going to be an easy task because obstacles of doubt will always be there to challenge us but in the end it will be worth it. We will win because God is in our side. 


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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!