Saturday, September 21, 2013

I am blessed and grateful....

To celebrate WORLD GRATITUDE DAY, here's something that I am blessed and grateful for…..

GOD – Thank you Lord for everything. For the life I am living, for the love that is the source of my being, for the things I am enjoying, for the sins that you keep forgiving, for the opportunities that you are opening, for the providence that you keep pouring, for the guidance that you are supporting, for the blessings that are unending and for the grace that's greatly amazing! Thank you for the answered and unanswered prayers. Thank you for the struggles and for the strength to keep on enduring! Thank you for the salvation and for the chances you keep offering. Lord, I have a lot to be thankful for and if I seem to forget to be grateful, please do remind me. Thank you for understanding my faults and failures. Thank you for always being there for me 24/7. Thank you for your assurance and for not failing me. I will try my best to follow your ways and may your will be done unto me. May all that I do will be for your great glory in Jesus' name, AMEN!     

FAMILY – Thank you for the family that you have blessed me, for the love they have showed and expressed to me, for the greatest gift that you ever given to me, for the support and guidance to me, for making me feel complete, for teaching me the good things, for establishing me childlike faith and commitment to you, for the joy that I have when I am with them, for the relationship between siblings and parents, for the happiness and victories shared among us, for the fights we used to have that didn't last long, for the trips we did together, for celebrating special events in our life, for giving importance to one another, for building our character and molding our personality and for allowing me to feel the belongingness that nobody can replace. Thank you to my Father and Mother who sacrificed a lot for me and my siblings. Thank you to my sisters and brothers that made me crazy and gave enjoyment to my childhood and growing up. I just want to thank you for your love and I am willing to love you more as you deserved! Thank you! I am so blessed to have you! <3

TEACHERS & MENTORS Thank you for molding me to become the person I am now From preschool to elementary to high school and college and to becoming a nurse and it's all thanks to all of you. . Without your efforts, love and teaching then I wouldn't be successful, I wouldn't have finished my studies or achieved my bachelors degree. The hardship and the struggle became a stepping stone to wonderful opportunities that God has prepared for me. All that I am became complete because of your contribution to my life. I wouldn't be here and I am grateful for the part you shared that changed and transformed me to become better and to keep striving to be good and to do good. Thank you so much!

CFC AND FAMILY MINISTRIES – Being a part of this community opened doors of opportunity and chances for me to improve myself. From being shy to gaining confidence, from isolation to being surrounded with friends, from having weaknesses to enhancing my strength, from dependence to independence, from being a wimp to becoming a warrior, from inability to ability, from being a member to soon becoming a leader, from gaining experiences that teaches people about God, from inability of use my talents to enhancing them for God's greater glory, from being nothing to becoming something and from the person I used to know to the person who is now. God is good, great and amazing! I wouldn't be who I am without the community that look after me, that trained to make me witness and experience God's fullness, that molded and taught me things that is not learned in school, that inspired me of the mission that God entrusted, that captured my heart and instill to me how wonderful it is to be alive and to serve, that explained and made me feel how great it is to love and be loved, to establish relationship that's Christ centered, that made my faith grow deeper and my knowledge expanded. The community planted the seed in my heart, the people water and fertilized it but it was God who allowed that seed to grow and bear fruit. I witnessed the miracles in me because I obeyed and followed God. He led me to believe that all things are possible and He assured me to trust His plans. I am so grateful that I couldn't keep it within, that I need to share it and that I have to express it fully. Thank you Lord for using those people and I am so blessed to be a part of this family ministry that together we will renew the face of the earth and be transformed by God's love!

FRIENDS – Life is tough but when you have friend, it becomes easy. Thank you Lord for the gift of friendship that remains the same despite distance, argument, circumstances and personal concerns. Thank you for the relationship that you blessed me with. Thank you for they have become a part of me that I couldn't live without. Thank you to them because they inspired and motivated me to do better. Thank you to the sisterhood and brotherhood that the friendship has started. Thank you for the moments that I felt down and depressed and they were there to cheer me up. Thank you for their presence that surely made a difference. Thank you for the opportunity of knowing how blessed I am to have them. Thank you Lord! I am so blessed with true friends that will stay with until the end!

WORK/CAREER – Thank you for allowing me to maximize my potential, learn new things, develop my talents, start my career, boosted my confidence, gain new friends, earn money, improve my character and allowed me to grow, made me experienced the realities in life and opened my eyes to the opportunities that's in store for me. Thank you for the lessons and the new experiences that taught me well. Thank you for the salary and benefits you provide for me. Thank you for the chance to work in your company, with the colleagues and with the people I'm dealing with. Thank you and may you provide better opportunities to people who deserve to be highly paid, for benefits and insurances, for bonuses to the hardworking employees that aim to improve your company. (I hope and pray!)

BLESSINGS AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN – What more can I say? Thank you for being the best thing that happened to me. Without the struggles then life won't be challenging as it is. Without blessings then life won't be the same or exciting. Without everything in between then it's not life that you're living. Thank you Lord for everything in between and for all the blessings! I know I fail to appreciate the beauty of life and the things that surround me. May I learn to be grateful for the little and big things that come my way. I am excited and looking forward to what lies ahead! Yehey!

Lord, allow me to thank you and everyone for being a part of my life. Thank you for making me experience the life that's purposely lived for your great glory. Thank you for the learning, the struggle, the relationship, the blessing and for everything. Teach me to always be grateful, appreciative and faithful. Thank you for your unconditional love, providence, guidance, support and grace. May I be a reflection of your Son, Jesus, to others as I fulfill the mission that you have entrusted to me that is to proclaim the good news to the ends of the earth. Amen!  

How about you?
What are you blessed and grateful for? 
Share the blessings! Experience the love! 

God bless you! <3


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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!