Sunday, September 22, 2013

Czammy & Me: From YFC to SFC!

We were both YFCs and aspiring to be future nurses. She was an online friend of my yfc friend. They were active in a YFC forum and that's where it all started. We were introduced via social media last 2009. We chatted via yahoo messenger and met through friendster. We were also friends in multiply. She was somewhere in Luzon while I was in Western Visayas. I met her because she registered for ILC but couldn’t come so I took her place to attend and paid the money to her friend. I decided to go even if it was 2.5 days before the event and it was a last minute decision. Attending the ILC is where my YFC journey started and it was there that I committed to serve God. I felt so excited to meet her because I wanted to thank her for the opportunity to attend. 

We were supposed to meet during International conferences (ILC) but due to busy schedules and lack of communication we failed to do so. Despite the hindrances, we continued our journey in YFC separately. After passing the board exam to having our own license and being blessed to work in a hospital, we just kept going. We lived our lives differently but there was one thing that was common to us, our desire to stay and serve in YFC. Then friendster was gone and YM was not frequently used. We lost contact and facebook became popular. She kept communicating with my friend who became my boyfriend that time. She mentioned how he would ask her advice about our relationship before and that He was discerning me to be his GG. We became leaders of our province and so was her in their area. Everything went well but God knew in our hearts that we had to meet personally.

I left Philippines last October 2011 to serve God and to find a job. I lost communication with my boyfriend, we argued, we broke up and he blocked me in his fb account. It was my fault but it was too late. I decided to temporarily forget about him. I felt like I lost much. I knew something was missing. God healed me of my brokenness, made me realized my faults and allowed me to see the good things through that experience. It was December when I was blessed to work in a nursery that's similar to nursing. I learned new things, I grew up, I became independent and I slowly changed.

It was July 6, 2013 when we decided to end things through a conversation. It was my first vacation and I really wanted to settle things between us. After our talk, we became friends again. We missed the old times and we started to reminisce our past memories and it was all during our YFC days. After a month I went back to Dubai feeling happy and free of guilt.

We kept talking and it was only last September 14, 2013 that He mentioned about Czammy. It was then I remember when it all started and I was delighted to meet her in person. He suggested to add her. I was happy that she came to Dubai last January 2012. I searched her fb account and viewed her timeline. She worked in a hospital. She even became an SFC member! I didn't remember how she looked like before but I can feel that it was her.

I then sent a message to her and we talked a little bit.She mentioned that she was looking for me and that I had a lot of friends. I had a second account and ever since after the break up, it became my active account. I then invited her to our CLP and she mentioned she had friends that wanted to join. I can feel the excitement from us and the eagerness to see each other in person. We then decided to meet on the day of our CLP, Sept. 20. I arrived at the mission house and I was nervous but excited. I was thinking what would our first meet up be? Is it going to be dramatic? Is there going to be hugs and tears? I just thought to myself. I called her and she was coming. I then shared our story to my friends and they said they had goosebumps.

I waited at the corridor and when she came in, I honestly didn't recognize her but it was her that called my name. I immediately knew and I left my things on the table and ran to hug her. I was a bit teary eyed and slightly emotional. I thanked her and we talked like we knew each other for so long. It was like a scene in a movie and that was the best moment that happened to me. I can't imagine that from YFC to SFC, God wrote our best story and He made His presence evident in our lives. It feels great that God used us as an instrument and everything had a purpose.  

I couldn't believe that we finally met. To my surprise we were not aware that we were in the same emirate. We attended Middle East conference last year, then Singolympics, UAE National Assembly and even the National conference this year. We were attending different events and we never had a chance to meet. God is great because His timing never fails. He knew that things needed to be settled first before allowing what we desired. I found out she became dry and searched for the community. She graduated and became a nurse. She came here to work and was blessed to practice nursing. She then attended the CLP and found her God's gift. I felt privileged to meet them both. She also shared our story with friends and they had goosebumps! God works in ways we can't see and that's worth sharing!

I then realized that the world is indeed small when you're in the CFC Family Ministry. She was not just a friend but sister to me. It was through her that opened my eyes to serving God. It was through that ILC slot that changed my life. It was through her kindness and I am forever grateful for that. I thought it was just a dream to finally meet her but God made it come true. It took us about 4 years before we actually met and a lot has happened. Though everything changed but one thing remained and still that was our desire to serve God not just in YFC but now in SFC. The commitment was there and it was the only thing that mattered most.

Czammy and Me! Praise God! Finally we met after 4 years!
I can't fully express how grateful and happy I am. God is so good and great! His plans are always amazing! Thank you Lord for allowing me to meet her and experience the fullness of life through your grace, providence and love! I am so blessed and thank you for making me realize and appreciate that! You truly are an awesome God!

And for that, may God be praised! Hallelujah! AMEN!

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!