Saturday, September 28, 2013

GG: My Angels!

I feel so blessed for God has given me angels that I consider as gifts and blessings. At first I said no without thinking then eventually said yes. God reminded me to Obey and Witness. I started realizing that there are far greater things than what I thought it was. I experienced a lot last night and it's amazing how God works mysteriously. It is great to talk to them like we knew each other for a long time. Even if we just met I really felt we're close. I enjoyed how we introduced ourselves! It made me laugh and certainly I can't forget our new names: Sweetie Sarah, Crazy Cristina, Adorable Annie, Jolly Josephine, Awesome Ailene and Cutie Collete. God is good! There was no awkward moments (well maybe a little but we can work it out). It brought me happiness, love and peace. The joy we shared as we first discussed about God's love was amazing though we lack time! God made us feel His love through each other's presence. I feel that I belonged and that I couldn't fully express how grateful I am for them. The moment they called me "Mama Sarah" is priceless and memorable. I am humbled and inspired to bring them closer to God. They are my God's gift because they are angels sent from heaven. I will cherish and nourish them as the Lord entrusted them to me. With God's grace, I know I can do things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:12). I am excited and looking forward for more bonding with them! Well there's still next week so let's make the most of it. Thank you Angels! Thank you Lord! See you again soooon! God bless! 
Mwaaahhhugs! <3

Wala tayong family pic kaya eto na muna.. :))

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!