Monday, August 31, 2015

Make it Right

23 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.
(Matthew 5:23-24)

My Child,
I want you to keep short accounts. That means I don’t want you to be mad at anyone for long. I understand people get on your nerves—brothers, sisters, friends and enemies. But I want you to be at peace with those around you. If you feed the homeless, you’re nice to the kids called nerds, and you wear an “I love Jesus” shirt, but you hate your big brother because he made fun of you, how are you worshiping Me?

You show your love for Me by loving and forgiving the people around you. If you have to choose between writing Me a love song or apologizing to someone, I want you to apologize first. Then the love song you write will flow from a heart of love. I care about your relationships, and I want them to be right.

Your friend,

(from the book - Emails from God by Cloninger)

Monday, August 24, 2015

Heavenly Peace: Me & Jesus

Last April 11, 2015, I had the most uplifting, empowering and spirit filled experience with Jesus. If I were to describe it then it has to be an encounter full of peace, serenity, overwhelming yet being still before God.

I was able to sleep well the night before and upon waking up, I felt great and recharged. I had plans to do and was able to achieve them all with God’s grace. Yipey! I cooked my meal, squeezed the juice from a kilo of lemons and was able to prepare a healthy pancake for snack which I just experimented hahaha (fyi: the ingredients were banana, black sesame powder, flaxseed oil, peanut butter mixed with chocolate, oatmeal, eggs, flour, cooking oil and milk…whew that’s a lot) I assure you it’s healthy and yummy at the same time hohoho!

I prepared myself for the Holy Mass and confession since our Baptism was on that day itself. I need to prep myself for the spiritual battle since this is one of the highlighted events in the CLP. Praise God so far I didn't experience any major harassment that day or even the days/weeks before. I guess it was all minor struggles knowing that God is always with me and that I’m not alone for I have my loved ones and friends with me. Everything feels like smooth sailing and I always feel being embraced by God and how great and wonderful it is to experience that kind of love being expressed to you.

The homily was about faith amidst doubt, worry and fears. It was also the time when Jesus breathe on them the Holy Spirit. It also spoke about doubting Thomas, him not believing until he saw and touch the wounds of Jesus. He was a man of faith upon experiencing and seeing Jesus for he uttered words with conviction “My Lord and my God”. He was a changed man and Jesus in turn said in reply, “blessed are you who have not seen but believed..”  

Hmmm God is indeed a great God. Everything happened for a reason. I learned as I held on to my faith and prayed more than before. Slowly and surely, He is fulfilling His great plans in me. Oh Lord may you change the worst of me to become the best of what I can be! Mold me, use me and lead me. Thank you for making me feel and experience a piece of heaven, an assurance of your promises and a fulfillment of your plans. Have your way in me! :)