Friday, August 23, 2013

By His Love.

I may have stumbled and fall. I may have made mistakes and things were out of my control. I ran away and isolated myself. I allowed myself to experience dryness and took advantage of my weakness. I avoided talking about my problems and I tried redirecting to other things. I denied my own feelings. I was distracted and find it hard to focus. I forgot my purpose. I was drowned in my emotions. I became lazy. I lost sight of God and His plans for me. I felt empty and longing for someone's presence. I was looking for love that I fail to realize what I had. I was broken and was unable to let go.

God will heal me of my brokenness and
He'll fill my emptiness by His LOVE
It was then that I realized that the more I ran away from God, He would still find a way to comfort and make me feel loved. The more I avoided, the more He's leading me to it. The more I didn't want to voice out, the more He's giving chances for me to talk. The more I allowed myself to be lazy, the more He wants me to be busy. The more I dwell on my loss, the more He would assure me that greater things will come. The more that I want to isolate, the more He would find ways for me to be surrounded. The more that I wanted is the less that He would give. The more that I wanted to be alone, the more that He wanted to make me feel I'm home. The more stressed I was, the more He would make me realize how blessed I were. The wrong things I desired were the situations He purposely redirected for my greater good. Now I want to start again and I will slowly stand up. For I know that…. God will heal me of my brokenness and He'll fill my emptiness by His LOVE..

Through His love, He can make impossible things possible. He can change and renew me. He will forgive and give me a chance to grow and be better. He will allow me to witness His greatness and by His love, I will be made whole again till I'm ready to pray, love and serve Him to the best of my abilities. By His grace and in His time, I claim victory in Jesus' name, AMEN!

May God be praised! J

1 comment:

  1. wow gawa mo ito Sar.? so nice nman gusto ko ung line jan ung God will heal me of my brokenness and He'll fill my emptiness by His LOVE.....


Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!