Monday, March 13, 2017

Mercy + Forgiveness = LOVE

Gospel for the day: Luke 6:36-38

36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. 37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

Last 2015, we had our family reunion after being separated for 10 years. After new year, it was my first time to celebrate my 26th birthday and it was also the time when me and mama had a misunderstanding. I guess I was full of myself and unknowingly hurt the feelings of mama because of what I said. As a result, she pushed me away and she was angry. I never understood the reason for my actions back then and I also felt hurt about what happened. I went inside the room, confused and cried as I kept myself busy with packing my things. I never spoke to anyone but they were wondering as to why I was crying.

I had several flashbacks then about me as a child growing up and feeling unloved. I tried to think and reflect on what happened. Instead of lowering my pride and asking for forgiveness, I ignored her because I felt my day was ruined. I knew it was my fault but I was afraid to admit and say sorry to her. That night we celebrated me and my sister’s birthday and of course I did not enjoy it since I was not feeling the moment.

The next day, I was hesitant to speak to her. There was fear in me that I might be rejected or she might misunderstand me. We were separated for almost 10 years and with that gap, made us distant. It was few hours away before our flight to Manila as we will be returning to Dubai soon. I was fearful and I believed the lies in my head. We booked an early flight so we had to be at the airport and they send us off. Before leaving, we had a chance to have a small talk and I was touched that she told me: “Listen to Mama. I love you!”After that I felt sorry for what I did and I realized she still loves me even if I hurt her. What genuine and unconditional love. I left with a peaceful heart even if it was my fault.

I failed in being a good daughter. I should have reached out and ask for forgiveness but I kept my pride with me. I held on to my fear and to the lies in my head. But that fault did not measure my worth and through forgiveness, made me feel loved and important. I am thankful for the chance of being able to understand what God was trying to teach me. I have been stubborn and that was a lesson learned. Thank you Lord for giving me a loving and understanding mother who showed me what mercy and forgiveness really means.

The Gospel today tells us that as the Father is merciful, He is calling us to be like Him. As the Father forgives us of our own mistakes, we too shall forgive others in return. Most of the time, it is easier said than done. As God has called each of us, we have to follow and obey Him in all circumstances. Serving God in and out of the community is a daily struggle and it requires patience, understanding, effort and openness. Not all who surround you, are part of the community and dealing with them can be very challenging. But through the grace from God, we are able to achieve everything with mercy, forgiveness and love in our hearts, all things are and can be possible.

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!