Messy, broken, unorganized, out of focus, lost and imperfect..
We are a craft in the making..
A butterfly (err caterpillar) in a cocoon..
A baby starting to walk..
A chick in an egg shell..
A beauty in our unique ways for God has design us perfectly.
God is our maker, our designer and our potter.
We have to believe that He created us amazingly as we are.
We have to accept what He has blessed us with..
We have a time to bloom in our own ways...
We can embrace change to improve ourselves..
Sometimes we just have to patiently wait for the right timing for he will reveal it to us unexpectedly.
Remember that you are God's masterpiece and His plans are yet to unfold in your life.
Just wait, be patient and have faith..
The work is still in progress.... and God is in control..
Keep calm.. Hold on and be patient..
Lalalala Hugoooot! Hahaha
-my *edited* post during our exhibition (last ADIPEC, Nov 8-12)