Friday, February 21, 2014

Miracles do happen!

Miracles do happen! (Big and small, we just fail to notice them.)

I never intended to visit the garden but with the generosity of a friend, I was able to do so! Yehey! Of course I was privileged and blessed at the same time. I became the PA for that day. PA means Personal assistant but for me it was Photographer's acquaintance. I am so thankful for the opportunity of going out and living a good life. It made me realize to enjoy life no matter how hard it's going to be. I have struggles and that is normal because I am alive. God told me to just keep living, keep dreaming and keep struggling to do what is right.

People may push and pull us but what we become is what we can prove to them. I felt better and I know life is just starting to unfold. The year just began and there are more to come. Things may have ended dramatically but God will reveal surprises to us unexpectedly. I guess it's time for me to shine and to go out of my comfort zone. I have to let go of my insecurities, fears, burdens and allow God's mercy, love, healing and blessing to envelope me.

Being in that paradise made me appreciate the small things even the details that I don't pay attention to and that's a big thing. Seeing the colorful flowers was so attractive and I want my life to be like a rainbow that's full of colors. Gone were the days that I became confused, lost, full of questions, depressed, burdened, worried, emo moments and hopelessness. I may have become weak, questioned and fallen down but God has raised me up to be strong and standing firm in the faith. God has promised that it's not going to be easy but it's definitely going to be worth it.

Lord may you bless my journey that I may keep going through the path that you want me to choose. Bless my desires, my heart and my plans. May it be in accordance to your will. May the actions that I do and the work of my hands, glorify you! Lord in your name, I trust. You are God and I am not!
Praise you Lord! Hallelujah!

Thank you for the gift of new friends! Thank you Mr. Sponsor!

Happy Valentine's day! God bless you!

Dubai Miracle Garden
(February 17, 2014)

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!