Tuesday, October 24, 2017

151 days to go until forever!

In this world where there’s no uncertainty with God’s amazing grace, I found hope, acceptance, healing, renewed faith, confidence, freedom, security, family, blessings and most of all true love when I met you.

I can definitely say that it is only by God’s grace that we are blessed with each other’s presence. I am eagerly looking forward to a crazy, exciting, rock and roll adventure of a lifetime with you. It is no longer I in this journey but we. May God continue to bless our relationship as we get ready for this lifelong commitment in marriage.

We have 151 days to go until forever! 😍 😍 😍 😍

George Arias & Lim Sarah Lauren
St. Vincent Ferrer Church, Cagay, Roxas City, PH
March 24, 2018

#bisayaMEETSilongga #JORHEwedsSARAH #GariaSwilltakeyouforever #nothinGSgonnastopusnow #SGAdventureofalifetime #SARAHmeant2b4GEORGE
more hashtags, means more fun hahaha 😍 😍 😍 😍

Video: BOX Films
Photo: Keru Sato
HMUA: Ana Nieva Revil Blaza

Adventure of a lifetime

October 24, 2017

Luke 12:35-38
35 “Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, 36 like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him. 37 It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. Truly I tell you, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them. 38 It will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready, even if he comes in the middle of the night or toward daybreak.

Today’s gospel reminded me to:

1.) Always be ready for service –  The Lord will always call you to where he needs you to be and by saying Yes, we are allowing our own selves to be used by God to spread his message. We may doubt and be worried but we have to trust God that he calls not the qualified but he qualifies the called. He can transform us to be better and we should be available to serve, always prepared and be spiritually ready for battle because we are God’s warriors.

2.) Keep our lamps burning – We should take care of our lamps – the heart, the source of life, filled with love and our inner passion to do greater things for Him. We should purify our intentions and fill our hearts with love to keep us going and by emptying our hearts with all the negative things and distractions. As we serve, we experience a lot of trials and difficulties and the posture of our heart and intentions are tested. We should keep our lamps burning by nurturing our passion, keeping our faith and expressing/receiving love to continue the journey by never giving up and finishing the race.  

3.) Be watchful while waiting – We don’t know when our time will come but as long as we are alive we should cherish every moment. We should give our all because our God highly deserves it. We should always be ready for service and keep our lamps burning for the Lord may come at an hour we don’t expect. Let’s make ready our hearts to welcome the King!

The journey towards God is a tough one for we will not be spared from being questioned, from rejection, from pain, from insecurities and even from being stripped off anything that we have. The only thing we hold on to is the promise of eternal life with Him in Heaven and the genuine love and happiness we receive after serving him fruitfully. The other blessings we receive are bonuses from Him and who are we to say no to that? Indeed God is a generous Father, he will really take care of you as long as you faithfully serve Him through his people.

I am blessed to become a part of this community and this has been God’s greatest gift and blessing to me. Ever since I started my journey in YFC way back 2005, God has given me what I thought I needed and I never realized that it was only the beginning. I came to UAE last 2011 and finally moved to SFC and how time flies very fast, I’m almost 6 years in SFC. Indeed a lot has changed and it just keeps on getting better. God has molded me to become an instrument and a channel of his love to others. I may not be his perfect disciple but I know that I am still trying to be good in my own way. I am thankful for the many blessings God has given me, my family, the community, my household, my friends, my work, my fiancΓ©, my life, the fun adventures and everything I have. Being in YFC and SFC has been an amazing adventure and it is by God’s grace that soon we’ll move to CFC. I am more excited for God’s revelation for the next chapter of my life with George and we are 151 days away! -March 24, 2018 #SGAdventures

Thank you Lord and for that may God be praised!