Tuesday, March 29, 2016

KFC 1C Entry Camp March 2016

Rejoice, Pray and Give thanks!

March 19, 2016 - St. Mary's Church DXB
2 words: Blessed and Privileged.

Thank you Lord for all the blessings and great things..
Impossible as it may seems but if you truly are with the Lord then all things are possible.
To everyone who gave their time, treasure, talents, prayers and effort - BIG THANKS to ALL! The event won't be possible without your support, providence and guidance! From the bottom of our hearts, thank you, thank you very much!

I can say that this service is one of the best that I encounter. Imagine 4 meetings within 3 weeks for a one time big time event? Wow! I am in WOW really! With the dedication of the CFC and with support of YFCs and SFCs also with the help of others. I mean Lord you put us all together so we can give our best to the kids in KFC ministry. God you are amazing!

Lord thank you for the little and big details, the amazing discoveries, for all the blessings, for the friendship, for finding a family in this KFC ministry, for sisters/brothers and siblings, for the love shared and for greater things that are yet to unfold. Lord I just want to thank you, for believing in our capacity, for providing everything, for the endurance, for the patience, for being an instrument and for your unconditional love and promise that kept us going through. Without you Lord, this all will be nothing. Thank you for the fulfillment and all our efforts were paid off. Thank you for revealing yourself through the kids that we are serving. We may not remember all your names but the good Lord will bless you far more than you can imagine. 

Lord we offer this service. 
May you be glorified in everything that we do! :)

Friday, March 25, 2016

Daily Manna: “Why do we forget?”

Date: March 25, 2016
Sharer: Karen Bajador
Title : “Why do we forget?”
 Today’s gospel narrates the last moments of Jesus prior to his persecution at the cross. It started from his arrest by the betrayal of Judas up to his burial wherein he would rise again in three days. The narration encompasses a lot of events and all of them give us a notion to reflect on as Catholics. However, what I do want to reflect on is when Peter disowned Jesus three times.
 In our everyday life, we tend to focus on the things that we usually do. More often than not, most of us forget to take a step back and reflect on the blessings we have received. The demand of accomplishing a day’s task usually requires a lot of our time and energy; and by the end of the day, all we want to do is to rest.
As children, we were trained to at least pray before we eat and before we sleep. It was easy to do back then as children do not have a lot of things to do in a day. But growing up is different, the older you get, the more task require your attention and energy. I personally, would attest to that. I would go as far as saying that some of the time, I feel so tired after a day’s work and would not have the energy to even pray and talk to God. I do feel guilty as I know how blessed I am for all the things I have received until now. I have gone through a lot, both the good and bad; but one thing was constant all throughout; it was that God has never abandoned me. And believe me when I say that he has, and never will, leave your side. Life is a cycle and things will never be good always; time will come wherein we will be at our lowest. But let me tell you that in our lowest point, it’s usually the best time where we can feel God’s unwavering love for us.

Going back to the Gospel, we can almost compare ourselves to Peter because in some way, we are just like him; we often tend to ignore, and sometimes, deny his presence. We are usually overwhelmed with the things that we have accomplished and received that we forget to respond whenever he calls for us. God does not require us to exalt before him for a whole day, nor does he demand to give back something equal in return; all that he asks of us is a small amount of our time. He just wants us to have a moment with him, just like what we do with our parents or partner whenever we get home from a day’s work. And this Lenten season is one of those times where we can do so. I encourage you my brothers and sisters to take a step back, reflect and have a moment with him during this season.

Sharer: Karen Bajador