Monday, January 19, 2015

Be God’s Chosen One

Date: January 3, 2015
Sharer: Sarah Lim
CLP Batch: 43

Gospel: John 1:29-34 New International Version (NIV)

29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
30 This is the one I meant when I said, ‘A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’
31 I myself did not know him, but the reason I came baptizing with water was that he might be revealed to Israel.”
32 Then John gave this testimony: “I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him.
33 And I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.’
34 I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One.”


In the Bible we have heard a lot of chosen people of God and the first would be Adam and Eve. Despite their sinfulness, still God was merciful enough to forgive and give them the chance to live. After our first parents, God then chose people from different families. To name some they were Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Noah, Moses, Israelites, Joseph the dreamer, David, Samson, Elizabeth, Zechariah, Joseph and Mary. Jesus the Messiah is God’s Chosen One and after His legacy a lot has followed. After Jesus was Peter being the first Pope, the disciples, John the Beloved, Mary Magdalene, the conversion of Paul, the apostles, the followers, Stephen who was the first saint and all other saints, priests, nuns, missionaries and that includes individuals like you and me.

Everyone is God’s chosen one because our presence on earth is not a mere accident. You, existing on earth is not a joke and in God’s eyes you are very special. Can you imagine the love He has for us that He gave Jesus for our salvation? All of us were called by name for a purpose and that is to fulfil the plan of God in our life. We may be ordinary individuals but God has prepared the best for us to experience life on earth and therefore we should not waste the opportunity. There’s a saying that goes: “God doesn’t call the qualified because He qualifies the called.” We are called and our duty does not end by answering yes but by doing our best to do the mission entrusted to us. God wants us to say Yes to His call and of course it includes action as well. God is ever faithful for He’ll never leave us in times of difficulty.

How can we be God’s Chosen One? Well let’s strive to be a blessing to others in many simple and small ways. We are called to make a difference. We are called to become an Alter Christus (Alter Christ) to those whom we meet. We are called not to be Christian thinkers nor talkers but doers of Catholic faith and teaching. We are called to love because love is understood in God alone for God is love and love is God. Love is expressed not in words but in deeds. So let’s love more. We are called to proclaim the good news and evangelize the people of this world. We are called to be ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ and when that happens, all tongue shall give praise and all knees will bend to Him.

We are called. You are called. I am called. Why? Simply because we are God’s beloved. We are special and beautiful in His eyes.  We are highly favoured and blessed like none other. We were paid for a price because He loved us dearly. He assures us through His promises that He won’t leave nor forsake us. God is calling us not to be successful but to be faithful just as He is. So now, God is waiting for our Yes in action and let’s allow His plan to unfold in our lives. When all else fails and just so you may forget, remember and be proud to say that “I’ll be the ONE” because YOU and I is God’s Chosen One.

Soli Deo Gloria! (Glory to God alone!)
God bless us all! Happy New Year!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

3 types of people

  Never forget 3 types of People in your Life
1. Who helped you in your difficult times
2. Who left you in your difficult times
3. Who put you in your difficult times

#1 means being grateful to the ones who stayed through thick and thin. Finding true friends nowadays is very hard since the society is ever changing. Being blessed with a true friend who is there for you makes you a winner whatever the circumstances may be. Overcoming a struggle is never easy especially when you need support. I am blessed to see and cherish the true friends who forever will be treasured in my heart. My victory is a victory shared with many but my defeat is another opportunity to get back up and fight again until I win! Thank you to my true-real friends for keeps! :)

#2 means understanding and realizing the true friends from the fake ones. It is not a good reason to leave especially when we thought we needed them but still it's a blessing to know that you don't need them. Maybe they have a reasons why they left and we have to live with that. It's not my lost anyway. Sounds bitter but it feels better to know your true friends during your up-down and light-dark moments in life.

#3 means forgiving the ones who put you in that difficult time but not forgetting what they did. Yes it is good to remember the pain and suffering that you had to go through but still we should thank them because without them then we wouldn't be stronger, better and wiser than we are now. We are what we become and going through struggles allow us to be shaped as God wanted us to be. So still we should be thankful and situations like this happen for a reason. So let's trust God, okay?

Be grateful, be happy, be thankful, move on when needed and learn to accept the realities of life.
Let go and let God take over.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

God never fails!

Yesterday, today and tomorrow, He is ever faithful.. Our God nevers fails to fulfill the promises He made to His beloved. The big question is, do we/I fail Him? Super duper thank you Lord. Looking back a year ago during my toughest moment, you have comforted me through family, friends and household. I wouldn't have survived and witness your great plans for me. Looking forward. Holding on. Lead me Lord.